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Home Insurance Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is situated in one oft he most active earthquake sites in the world. Three tectonic plates are meeting in front of the North Coast and Puerto Rico. This territory is known as the Bermuda triangle. Seaquakes can occur small tsunamis and throughout the year you can feel small earthquakes. Every Year the Dominican Republic is faced with 8-12 Hurricanes. And most of the Touristic Places are close to an airport.

We offer you a complete package for your VILLA, APARTMENT, CONDOMINIUMS or BUSINESSBUILDINGS, EXISTENCE, FURNITURE, MASHINES and EQUIPMENT with an INSURANCE who provides the following services:

     - Earthquake, Flooding or Tsunamis, Hurricanes or Tornados (and the resulting water damages).
     - Lightning, Explosion, Fire, Smoke damage.
     - Damage by Airplanes or Vehicles.
     - Vandalism, Robbery, Strikes.
     - Water damages.
     - Removing of the collapsed building.

The Premium of each year is depending on the type of construction. Please make an appointment with us to prepare a estimate. Visiting of the Property is always after the 15th of every month.